Ask HN: How to Learn Robotics?

4 points by cbracketdash 4 days ago

Hi everyone! Lately I've been interested in robotics (coming from an extensive programming background) and was wondering how I should go about learning it/related fields? I'm assuming that much of this will be project-based learning so it would be nice if there are some affordable/cool projects that teach the basics.

I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions?

Thank you!

brudgers 4 days ago

Learning by doing is the simplest thing that might work. Doing is the way to start doing. Doing things wrong is the way doing usually starts. If you are exceptionally lucky, doing very very badly will be where it starts. Irregardless, where and how you start matters not relative to just starting.

To put it another way, it is not rude to suck at robotics. Good luck.

esh4 3 days ago

Buy one of many Arduino kits. You will learn electronics, some mechanics, and more robotics aimed programing skills!